Tuesday 15 August 2017

The Bloom Box Technology

The Bloom Box Technology 

A technology that has attracted attention of some of the great companies like Google, Walmart and eBay is surely no joke. Think about how laptops greatly replaced desktops and how cell phones replaced landlines that is the same way the Bloom box would replace the transmission line grid and big power plants. With the wireless power plant-in-a-box in your backyard you will be able to generate your own electricity. The technology behind the Bloom box lies within a solid oxide fuel cell and with the Bloom Energy Server, there would be production of clean, reliable and affordable energy (Bloom Energy, 2014). According to me, I think the functionality idea behind this tech is realistic, it is a revolutionary innovation that is seriously built upon will surely change the world or at least make the world a better place. This justified as follows:
The Bloom box technology has been positively peer-reviewed by great minds in technology investment industry (Mapawatt, 2010). This raises optimism. It is also been funded by great corporations and the fact that not much has been talked about the Bloom box in the past five years is pretty interesting. Many people think that the tech is dying out by I believe they will be surprised one day when updated on its progress. 
The Bloom box tech has the power to change the world because it has the potential to generate renewable power (Lada, 2013). Any source of energy that is renewable eliminates the threat of energy exhaustion and that is what the future world needs to live upon, an endless supply of energy. This is achievable due to the presence of the Bloom fuel cell which is a constantly working battery. Furthermore, the requirements for the Bloom fuel cell to function can be found now and even in the future (Behling, 2012). They include; fuel such as solar, carbon dioxide, water, heat and oxygen. 
Bertolucci (1998-2015) refers to the Bloom box as "A power generator that saves money and the environment." This is exactly what everyone would hope for in tomorrow's world. The Bloom Energy Sever has proven to have the potential to eliminate dependency on the power grid, this would greatly help cut down the power costs and make life affordable to almost everyone. As we learnt earlier, the raw materials required to generate the energy are not harmful to the environment or at least have mild effects (talking of the materials used in the Bloom fuel cell). There would be a great reduction in carbon footprints (Lada, 2013). Other factors that give the Bloom box tech the ability to change the world in the future are high electrical efficiency, low cost of materials and fuel flexibility (Bloom Energy, 2014). 
So far different tests have proven that this new technological innovation really works (Zyga, 2010). 20 well-known companies including Google, Walmart and eBay are now trying it out and have approved of its worthiness. However, it is still imperative to accept the facts behind this technology. That is it consumes fuel and produces carbon dioxide, but since it promises more benefits, it is still worth consideration. It is an environmental friendly method of energy production after all and that alone is enough to change the world. All in all, the Bloom box tech holds a better future altogether.


Behling, H.N. (2012), Fuel Cells: Current Technology Challenges and Future Research Needs. Boston: Newnwess

Bertolucci, J. (1998-2015), 10 Questions about the Bloom Energy Server. PCWorld, Retrieved from http://www.pcworld.com/article/190203/10_questions_about_the_Bloom_Energy_Server.html

Bloom Energy, (2014), What is an Energy Server? Bloomenergy, Retrieved from http://www.bloomenergy.com/fuel-cell/energy-server/

Lada, A. (October, 2013), The Bloom Box: Does it have the Power to Change the World? Ecohealth, Retrieved from http://ecohearth.com/eco-zine/science-and-technology/1323-the-bloom-box-does-it-have-the-power-to-change-the-world.html

Mapawatt (2010), What is the Bloom Box? Does it Work? Bloom Energy Could Change the World. Retrieved from http://mapawatt.com/2010/02/20/what-bloom-box-does-it-work-bloom-energy-could-change-world

Zyga, L. (February, 2010), Will Bloom Box Replace Power Grid? Details on Wednesday (w/ Video). Phys, Retrieved from http://phys.org/news/2010-02-bloom-power-grid-wednesday-video.html

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